Mental Health.. Did You Know?
Sabina Mansour (Syria)

⚠️ Out of 7.9 billion people, one billion suffer from a mental disorder. Anyone anywhere can be affected.
⚠️ Depression is a major cause of disability worldwide.
⚠️ Globally, it is estimated that 5% of adults suffer from depression.
⚠️ Globally, one in seven people (aged 10-19) suffers from a mental disorder. Half of these disorders begin by the age of 14, but most go undetected and untreated.
⚠️ One in every 100 deaths is caused by suicide. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 15 and 29.
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Despite all the progress the world has made in various fields, unfortunately, they are still in a "stigma" associated with psychological issues.
This stigma prevents people from recognizing the signs and symptoms of mental disorders, and because of it, they refuse to admit that they are serious disorders, like any medical disorder... That is why we always see that people do not resort to seeking help or treatment until after the situation worsens, and sometimes they can reach a dead end before thinking With the solution...
World Mental Health Day - October 10.
The goal of the World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of the importance of this issue and mobilize efforts to support mental health.
Our message today from #the bogeyman today, is the same as our message every day:
🔰 Depression, anxiety, and any other mental disorder #No_fault!
🔰 All of us, as human beings, are liable to go through such circumstances
Most mental disorders can be treated with behavioral therapy, pharmacotherapy, or a combination of them.
🔰 Never hesitate to seek help from specialists..
🔰 Encourage the people around you to consult specialists if you feel they need..
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Today is an opportunity, take it real, thank the positive support people, take steps to stay away from people or things that affect your mental health..
Today, let us go back to remember our situation and those around us. It is important that we take care of our condition, mind, body and psyche, your mental health comes first.
“Mental health disorders do not define who you are. They are something you experience. You walk in the rain and feel the rain, but more importantly, you are not the rain.”
- Matt Hugo (writer and novelist)